Disgaea Wiki

The Item Bosses are special enemies that appear in the Item World.


D4 Item Boss Example

An Item God in Disgaea 4. Item Boss floors are always raised towards the center.

Item Bosses are stronger versions of a normal enemy that will appear every 10 floors. They have increased stats, give more EXP and HL, and won't actively chase your units until you're in their attack range. There's 4 types of bosses:

  • Item General: Appears in floors 10, 20, 40, 50, 70 and 80. Gives 1.5 times the normal EXP and HL.
  • Item King: Appears in floors 30, 60 and 90. Gives 2 times the normal EXP and HL.
  • Item God: Appears in floor 100 in items of rank 39 or less. Gives 3 times the normal EXP and HL.
  • Item God 2: Appears in floor 100 in items of rank 40. Gives 3.5 times the normal EXP and HL.

Since Disgaea 5 and 6 feature infinite floors, this pattern of appearance repeats every 100 floors. Additionally, the rules for Item God 2 to appear have changed(see the Higher Ranked Equipment section for details). Disgaea 7 features at most 30 floors per item, thus changing the system so Generals appear on floor 10, Kings on floors 20, and Gods on floor 30.

While Item Generals and Item Kings can be of any class and tier chosen at random, both types of Item God follow specific rules depending on the game:

  • Disgaea: A Majin with a darkened sprite.
  • Disgaea 2: A random class in regular Item World, a darkened Majin while in Land of Carnage.
  • Disgaea 3: A darkened Masked Hero.
  • Disgaea 4: A darkened Android.
  • Since Disgaea D2: Randomly chosen class.

In all cases, if the item is a Monster Weapon then the Item God will be a randomly chosen Monster class instead.


Killing an Item Boss strengthens the item in various ways. For bonuses listed as depending on Item Generals defeated, Item Kings count as defeating 2 Generals at once, while Item Gods(both kinds) count as 3 Generals.

  • Stat Bonus: Defeating bosses increases the item's base stats. An additional bonus is applied if the item has any Single-Stat Innocent.
    • D1 to D4: Defeating a General increases the item's base stats by 10% of their natural value(that is, at level 0, no Innocents, no rarity bonus), however this bonus is always positive even if the natural stat was negative. Each Innocent(regardless of level) add 3 points to its corresponding base stat.
    • D5: Defeating General increases the Training Bonus by 1 and increases Rarity value by 1. Each Training Bonus increases base stats by CurrentBaseStat*Rank/25,000 + InnocentLevel/100,000, applied twice in the case of HP.
    • D6: Defeating a General increases the Training Bonus by 1 and increases Rarity value by 1.
    • D7: Defeating a General increases Item Level by 5 and Rarity value by 1.
  • Population: Defeating an Item King or God increases the item's Population limit by 1.
  • Bills: In Disgaea 5, defeating an Item King or God increases the bills that can be passed at the Item Assembly by 1.

Double Killing[]

A feature introduced in Disgaea 2. After killing a boss you can escape with a Mr. Gency Exit, then kill the boss again to get all bonuses a second time.

A certain patch of Disgaea 4(also later added to Disgaea 3:AoD) removed the limit of 2 kills, letting you kill bosses multiple times and increase the item's stats as many times as you want. Disgaea 7 features regular double killing.

Disgaea 5 and 6 lack this feature, as their Item World has infinite floors, and thus, infinite bosses anyway.

Double killing has been retroactively introduced in Disgaea 1 Complete, which allows further enhancement for an item's stats, making them more powerful than what they were in the original versions of the game.

Higher Rank Equipment[]

While in Land of Carnage (just regular Item World in Disgaea 1) of an equippable item, Item God and Item God 2 will be equipped with the next higher ranked version of the current item type (i.e. the Item God of a rank 30 Sword will have the rank 31 Sword equipped). Stealing it from them is a good way of getting stronger equipment, and is usually the only way to obtain the rank 40 items (the strongest in the game). Note that if the item is already the highest ranked one then the boss will have another copy of it.

It's important to note that the boss will only have the item equipped the first time you enter floor 100. If you leave with an Mr. Gency Exit at floor 100 and then come back in, the boss won't have the item anymore. Thus, those who want to soft reset in order to change the new item's rarity must be wary to leave at floor 99.

Disgaea 5 reworks this system: Now any item can have an Item God 2, however it will only appear on the next visit to an Item God floor after the item has reached level 80 (including levels accumulated on the current item dive). Regular Item God will always carry a new instance of the current item while only Item God 2 will have the stronger one, and in both cases the item will have the same rarity as the current one. In Disgaea 7, the threshold for Item God 2 is level 300.


Unlike most enemies, Item Bosses in Disgaea:HoD can't be thrown at Geo Symbols to destroy them.

A bug was noted in Disgaea:HoD concerning Item Generals and Kings. If a player defeated one and cleared the level, then chose to continue on in the item world (rather than return to the Overlord's castle), then exited at any point after that, the Item King kill would not be counted. This bug was fixed in the rereleases.
